Top Most Services

One stop solutions for all your IT needs

Top Most Services
Customer Service

2 Reviews
Review ID :5

Jason Focht
Austin, TX, USA

Review ID :298

Sean Gallagher

Customer Service

Customer Service is referred to the service which is provided to customers. If you are selling products or services online, your customers may face different problems such as a) Problems in Signup, b) Login Problems, c) Trouble in searching a product or service, d) How to use website, e) Ordering Procedure, f) Difficulty in making payment, g) Shipment Problems, h) Order Cancellation, i)Refund Problems, etc.

A customer cannot wait and always wants some satisfying reply to his/her queries immediately, if it doesn't happen, then he/she can report your website to authorities and you may have to face severe difficulties. It is, therefore, essential that one customer service representative should always be available online to help your customers via chat, e-mails or telephonically.

We have well trained persons to work as CSR. They are very polite and can bring excellent results on your sales.

For Customer Service, our hourly price is $5(US$ 200 weekly - Monday to Friday-for 40 hours). Please click here to contact me.

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